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Naloxone Distribution & Training

Harm reduction is critical to keeping people who use drugs alive. It intends to meet people “where they are” and may serve as a pathway to individuals getting further services. NOSC is committed to increase the availability of Naloxone in our community and to raise awareness around signs of overdose, how to administer naloxone, and break the stigma.

What we do:

  • Increase community access to Narcan by applying to DHCS's Naloxone Distribution Project and setting up monthly community distributions (please see events tab for upcoming distribution locations)

  • Establishing a train-the-trainer model to increase the availability of Narcan trainings to those want it

  • Providing staff Narcan trainings to those that work in education, prevention, non-profits, with the unhoused community, medical backgrounds, and those that work directly with youth

If you are an organization that would like to receive Narcan training, please reach out to

Watch an online training video here

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Napa County, California

  • Instagram

Follow us on Instagram @napaopioidsafetycoalition

We want to hear from you!

Have an interest in our local coalition?

Seen the impact of substance use and/or overdose and want to share your story?

Have additional resources to share with us?

Have an event you would like us to come to?

Would like to collaborate on future projects?

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